(701) 284-7500


(701) 284-7555


Your Support Makes A Difference

First Care Health Center raises funds for the community through annual and seasonal events. Through these events, we are able to purchase new equipment and expand our operations through capital improvements. Our goal is to expand patient care, and support raising is one of the ways we work towards this goal.

Upcoming Featured Fundraising Events

Annual Harvest Fest

First Care Health Center’s 29th Annual Harvest Fest – with a Hawaiian theme – will be on Saturday, September 21st at the American Legion Coliseum in Park River, ND. We hope you can join us as we raise funds to help continue enhancing patient care at FCHC. 

Last year, over $76,000 was raised for a new ultrasound machine for advanced cardiac and obstetric imaging and support for surgical needs with the acquisition of a Neptune 3 system. We are deeply grateful for the community’s continued support as we strive to deliver professional care with a personal touch.

Advancing Technologies in Ultrasound Presentation

Fundraising Events

2024 First Care Health Center Benefit Golf Tournament

Congratulations to the Grand Forks Welding & Machine Team on winning the 2024 First Care Health Center Benefit Golf Tournament ~ In Memory of Dan Young ~ Logan Syrup, Joe Pic, Jake Thompson, and Nate Heigaard.

Thank you to everyone for their part in the golf tournament, including team and hole sponsorships, volunteers at the event, donations, and support!

Over $31,000 was raised and will go towards capital improvements around First Care Health Center to continue to enhance patient care.